Getting Along

The summer started with Patty dying, and though it was difficult, Harrison’s father told him that death was simply a part of life. Patty had […]

Anasthasia Shilov
Announcing the winners of the 2019 Wallace Prize

  The Yale Daily News Magazine is thrilled to publish the winners of the 2019 Wallace Prize. The Wallace Prize recognizes previously unpublished fiction and […]

Laying Day

It was Laying Day. Sam shivered in line outside Susan B. Anthony High School and chewed over the rumors: The exacting judges, the rare perfect […]

Purple Flowers

Ms. Blok wears see-through, cream-colored shirts to school every day. Her bra today is dark purple, clearly a size too small for her, and her […]

A Portrait of the Art Historian as a Young Man

She was wearing a black dress, he thought. Or at least it looked black; in this dimness (“warehouse lighting,” he called it privately, “ambiance lighting,” […]

Keyi Cui
Mama’s Boy

My mom is a straight-laced and unimpulsive woman. She votes early in every election, makes grocery lists of seasonal health foods three months in advance […]


Jeniene Ferguson looks like she’s about a 36B, give or take a cup size. I’m not the first person to try and guess. Her male […]

The Season

The acceptance letter is enclosed in a glossy red folder, the kind that shows sweat marks when you take your thumbs off. There’s a picture […]
