Yale Athletics, Halloween festivities and voting: Handsome Dan XIX’s fall
The News caught up with Yale’s mascot Handsome Dan XIX, an Olde English Bulldogge, to talk about his semester so far.

Tim Tai, Photography Editor
Handsome Dan has been busy visiting academic departments as well as athletics and student events.
Handsome Dan XIX, named Kingman, was announced as Yale’s new mascot on Mar. 18, 2021. He currently lives in Silliman College with his caretaker, Kassandra Haro ’18, and goes for daily walks around campus.
Haro, a program administrator at the Yale Visitor Center, said Commencement Weekend in May was one of Kingman’s favorite events out of the many he has attended throughout the past year.
“He got to see all of Yale and participate in festivities, including the procession,” Haro said. “It was all very fun and exciting for him. We also did some really great senior portraits preceding commencement week and that was an exciting new tradition that we plan on continuing.”
As Handsome Dan’s caretaker, Haro is responsible for escorting the bulldog to events, running his social media, reinforcing his training sessions, taking him to the vet and making sure he gets his rest.
Per Haro, Kingman’s favorite activities include attending sporting events, playing with his “doggy friends,” watching squirrel videos on YouTube and going to his favorite pet supplies store — NorthPoint Pets in Cheshire, Connecticut. Haro also noted that Kingman’s favorite time of day is early afternoon when he often takes naps on his outdoor bed in Silliman.
More recently, Haro and Handsome Dan participated in campus Halloween events.
“We had a great Halloween interacting with students this year,” Haro said. “Handsome Dan … dressed as a pumpkin and handed out candy and Handsome Dan Halloween-themed stickers.”
Students have enjoyed seeing Kingman at games and performances, as well as around campus in general.
“Whenever I see Dan, it fills me with Bulldog pride,” said Nicholas Strickler ’26.
On the day of Tuesday’s midterm elections, Kingman spent the day walking around campus, woofing at students to encourage them to go vote.
Haro elaborated on Kingman’s upcoming plans, noting that the upcoming Yale-Harvard football game will be his first time in Boston.
“Coming up this December we will continue his second annual Handsome Holiday Grams,” Haro added. “We also have a special secret project in the works.”
Athletes have also enjoyed Dan’s presence as a whole in the school community, as he regularly attends Yale sporting events.
“Handsome Dan creates fun school morale,” said Andrew Farr ’26, a sprinter on the track and field team.
Students can keep up with Handsome Dan through his various social media accounts. The mascot’s online presence includes accounts on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Students can get Handsome Dan stickers whenever they see him around campus.
Kingman will turn 2 years old on Jan. 2, 2023.